Contega PV

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Rouleau de 20cm x 15 m longueur

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Va­pour check­ing plaster seal­ing tape with in­teg­rated re­in­force­ment fab­ric


  • PET fleece, eas­ily em­bed­ded in plaster, no fur­ther plaster re­in­force­ment is ne­ces­sary
  • Defined trans­ition between the fields of va­pour bar­ri­er and plaster
  • Per­man­ently re­li­able, air­tight bond ac­cord­ing to DIN 4108-7, SIA 180 and OENORM B 8110-2
  • Re­in­force­ment in­creases the sta­bil­ity of the ad­join­ing plaster sub­strate
  • Low­est VOC rat­ing in haz­ard­ous sub­stance test


CON­TEGA PV for well-defined, mul­ti­func­tion­al joints between sheets of mem­brane or wood-based pan­els and sur­faces that will be plastered (brick work or con­crete).
The bonds meet the re­quire­ments of DIN 4108-7, SIA 180 and OENORM B 8110-2.


Technical specs

Backing PET fleece with functional membrane and plaster reinforcement
Adhesive special acrylate adhesive
Release film silicone-coated PE sheet
Attribute Norm Value
Colour   light blue / dark blue
Thickness   1.3 mm
sd-value EN 1931 2.3 m
g-value   11.5 MNs/g
Water vapor permeance ASTM E 96 1.43 US perms
Application temperature   above -10 °C / 14 °F
Temperature resistance   permanent -40 °C/-40 °F to +90 °C/194 °F
Storage   cool and dry



Be­fore stick­ing, sub­sur­faces should be brushed off, wiped clean with a cloth or cleaned us­ing com­pressed air.
Ad­he­sion to frozen sur­faces is not pos­sible. The sub­strate ma­ter­i­al must be free of wa­ter-re­pel­lent sub­stances (e.g. grease or sil­ic­one). Re­move flak­ing paint­work and the like. Sub­sur­faces must be suf­fi­ciently dry and have suf­fi­cient load-bear­ing ca­pa­city.

Per­man­ent ad­he­sion is achieved on all pro clima in­teri­or mem­branes and on oth­er va­pour re­tarder and air­tight mem­branes (e.g. those made of PE, PA, PP and alu­mini­um). Ad­he­sion can be car­ried out on planed and painted wood, hard plastics, hard wood-based pan­els (chip­board, OSB and ply­wood pan­els).
The PET fleece can be em­bed­ded in the plaster lay­er in all sub­strates that can be plastered such as brick, lime sand brick, por­ous con­crete, pumice stone, con­crete etc.
For bond­ing joints on ma­sonry or con­crete or on rough sub­strates, use OR­CON F.

The best res­ults in terms of struc­tur­al sta­bil­ity are achieved on high-qual­ity sub­sur­faces.
It is your re­spons­ib­il­ity to check the suit­ab­il­ity of the sub­sur­face; ad­he­sion tests are re­com­men­ded in cer­tain cases.
Pre­treat­ment with TESCON PRIMER RP is re­com­men­ded in the case of sub­sur­faces with in­suf­fi­cient load-bear­ing ca­pa­city.


Limiting factors

The bonds should not be subjected to tensile strain.
Press firmly to secure the adhesive tape. Ensure there is sufficient back-pressure.
Airtight bonds can only be achieved if this adhesive tape is laid without folds or creases and are uninterrupted.
Ventilate regularly to prevent build-up of excessive humidity and use a dryer if necessary.
If the airtight connection is created straight after plastering, moisture ingress may occur in the thermal insulation or to problems in the order of construction.
CONTEGA PV alleviates this problem.